June 1, 2010 - 18:46 AMT
All is fair in struggle for the region, Turkey believes
Hardly is it possible that Hamas and Turkey standing behind it are so worried about the fate of Palestinians who have been keeping the region in constant tension since 1948 but have not yet been able to establish their own state.
The Gaza Strip is becoming a decisive factor in Turkish-Israeli relations. It may so happen that Turkey finally take the side of the Islamic world and thus, in the worst of developments, untie the hands of Iran that has long been aspiring to destroy the Jewish state that stands in the light of the Islamic world ( like Armenia by the way). The interesting point is that despite the great similarity between these two countries, relations between them are, to say the least, far from being normal.

But let us try to analyze the situation. It is obvious that the “incident”, or rather the gamble of Hamas under the guise of Turkey could not pass with impunity, and that was exactly what the masterminds of “humanitarian action” counted on. It is quite clear that it was a calculated provocation. But the thing is that it was inaccurately calculated. Turkey apparently expected that her calls as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council would force the Organization to make sharp statements, which, however, did not follow. And NATO made it clear to Turkey that the Alliance is concerned no less. It’s useless to try to find underlying messages or secret protocols here as they do not exist. For the umpteenth time Turkey has been playing with fire and wants to, at any cost, become a hegemon in the region. Further developments can be predicted in approximately such a way: for another couple of days Ankara will be appealing to the international community, showing some new video clips that display the “Israeli atrocities”, but this is where things will end. Jewish pogroms in Turkey are on the cards too. But the trouble is that the origin of many Turkish politicians is so mixed that none of them can with accuracy recall the nationality of their ancestors. However, this is an irrelevant topic.

Turkey believes that the Israeli attacks against the humanitarian marine convoy “Freedom Flotilla” will remain in history as a “black spot”, and demands that Israel be prosecuted. “Killing civilians is a shame!” declared Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Parliament. Quite interesting! Turkey, successor of the Ottoman Empire not only in word but also in deed, whose hands up to the elbows have been stained with Christian blood, accuses Israel of defending itself. We do not yet know what kind of cargo the “Freedom Flotilla” carried: weapon can also be humanitarian aid; it just depends on one’s point of view. Besides, hardly is it possible that Hamas and Turkey standing behind it be so worried about the fate of Palestinians who have been keeping the region in constant tension since 1948 but have not yet been able to establish their own state. Building a state is difficult; fighting for money of the Islamic world is obviously easier and more preferable...

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Bulent Arinc states: “No one should expect us to declare war on Israel over this.” “Ankara will find a solution exclusively within law and diplomacy,” the Milliyet reports.

But Erdogan remained true to himself. Here's what he said at the sitting of the Justice and Development Party (AKP). “Our hostility is as strong as our friendship is valuable. No one should test our patience. It is a serious harm to lose Turkey’s friendship. The Turkish nation has always supported the Jews, and history bears witness of it. Here the Jewish people understand who the true culprits are. The blood regime now in power in Israel must necessarily be punished. Even bandits and pirates have certain sensitivities. They observe certain ethical rules and do not hurt defenseless people, children and the old. But these people did. And they are not ashamed to justify themselves. Who gave them the right to ignore the international law? The international community must express its position against those who committed this crime. They are good at killing people. And these events once again showed it to the world. What they did is a real state terror. They deny any involvement in these events. But stop playing pity! We are tired of these lies. The whole world now knows your face. Do not mistake Turkey for others. Consequences will be grave. Attacking unarmed people in the open sea, you put yourselves outside international law,” the Turkish Prime Minister said.

Obviously, the Turkish Premier does not suffer from lack of modesty, as well as from adequate perception of reality. This is exactly what destroyed the Ottoman Empire and will, definitely, destroy today’s Turkey. And why do we wonder where Ilham Aliyev derives his inspiration from, when speaking about the Armenians? The only thing that should be done now is to wait and see what action Baku will take, finding itself in an ambiguous situation. On one side of the road is “one nation”, on the other side - friendship and money. No statements will certainly follow on the official level, but in the framework of “people’s initiative” there will be actions like burning of flags and other such stuff. The bad news is that Iran is getting involved in this incident, and the good news is that the U.S. has not yet yielded to the pressure from Ankara and has confined itself only to “suggestion”. Although, it all depends! Only one thing is certain: tension in the Middle East does not promise anything good to anyone in the world, and especially, to Turkey. Besides, only the strong are reckoned with. In this regard, Armenia has something to learn from the Jewish state.

Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News