April 4, 2012 - 11:32 AMT
Armenian PM deems joining Customs Union pointless

There are no impediments to Armenia’s integration processes neither in the framework of (EurAsEC) nor in CIS, Armenian Prime Minister said.

“Though we stand for deepening and strengthening of those processes, it is not common for a country without borders to join the Customs Union,” Tigran Sargsyan said in an interview with Kommersant newspaper.

According to him, in case of Armenia, there is a need to cross the neighboring country’s border and pass customs clearance twice.

“This makes customs clearance facilitation pointless for economic entities. In return, it would generate only problems related to increase in customs duties and taxes. We search for forms of cooperation without Customs Union. It is worth considering a new platform or a special status for Armenia,” he added.

The PM further stressed the need to draft special rules of conduct for partner countries if those of the Customs Union are binding upon the parties.

“This must be something new. The Customs Union doesn’t provide tools that would favor the interests of businesses. In this context it is becoming pointless,” PM Sargsyan said.