April 4, 2012 - 15:05 AMT
10 dead in Afghan suicide bomber attack

A suicide bomber blew himself up in a market in northern Afghanistan on Wednesday, April 4, killing 10 people including four police officers and injuring dozens of others, a police spokesman said.

As M&C reported, citing DPA, the incident took place at a vegetable bazaar in Maimana, the capital of Faryab province.

Lal Mohammad Ahamadzia, the police spokesman in northern Afghanistan, said that four police, two children, two women and two men were killed in the suicide bombing that took place in a crowd. He said that more than a dozen civilians were wounded.

Another Afghan official said on condition of anonymity that NATO-led International Security Assistance Force personnel were patrolling with Afghan police at the bazaar.

The NATO-led coalition in a statement said that two of its soldiers were killed in northern Afghanistan in roadside bombing. It did not disclose the nationality of the soldiers or the exact location of the attack. Abdul Haq Shafaq, Faryab's governor, put the death toll at six civilians and 20 others wounded. “Three foreign troops and one of their Afghan interpreters were also wounded,” he said.