April 6, 2012 - 16:25 AMT
Russian FM says his country’s stance on Karabakh unchanged

Russia's position on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, which must be resolved by peaceful means, remains unchanged, Russian Foreign Minister said.

"I want to clearly and unequivocally confirm that there have been no shifts in our stance on supporting Karabakh settlement.

Our position is based on the fundamental approaches worked out by the co-chairs," Sergei Lavrov said.

In late January, the presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia held trilateral talks on the Karabakh conflict resolution, which have become the tenth since 2008.

"Both position of the co-chairs, and our actions were based on the need to seek such a solution that will benefit both sides," Lavrov said.

He said Russia's position is based on the same approach toward the three fundamental principles of the resolution, namely, territorial integrity, respect for self-determination and the non-use of force, Trend reported citing RIA Novosti.