April 7, 2012 - 14:54 AMT
Long Beach councilman offers to recognize April as Genocide Awareness Month

Sixth District Councilman Dee Andrews is bringing forth an agenda item for California’s Long Beach City Council to Recognize April as Genocide Awareness Month, at the April 17 City Council meeting, located at City Hall, according to Everything Long Beach.

“The month of April reflects the power of awareness of the number of genocides that has historically occurred during this month, which includes the Cambodian Genocide, known as the Killing Fields, which affected thousands of Long Beach Cambodian community residents. Many lives and family members have been lost due to these atrocities. As we raise awareness to these horrific crimes let us give hope that something can be done to prevent genocide from occurring again,” Councilman Andrews said.

The genocides to be commemorated are the Armenian Genocide (April 24, 1915); the Holocaust (April 1933); the Cambodian Genocide (April 17, 1975); the Bosnian Genocide (April 1992); the Rwandan Genocide (April 6, 1994) and Genocide in Sudan (April 2003).