April 11, 2012 - 13:55 AMT
Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson team up for cop series

A hot event cop drama project is hitting the cable marketplace. Written by Nic Pizzolatto, the 8-part series has Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson attached to star and Cary Fukunaga (Jane Eyre) to direct all the episodes, according to Deadline.

Titled True Detective, it is described as an elevated serial narrative with multiple perspectives and time frames. It centers on two detectives, Rust Cohle (McConaughey) and Martin Hart (Harrelson), whose lives collide and entwine during a seventeen-year hunt for a serial killer in Louisiana. The investigation of a bizarre murder in 1995 is framed and interlaced with testimony from the detectives in 2012, when the case has been reopened.

The concept is for the 8-episode first season to resolve the mystery at hand, with subsequent seasons using same structure but new characters and story. In addition to the assembled team of a writer, director and stars, the pitch for True Detective includes two written episodes and a bible. Anonymous Content, which manages both Pizzolatto and Fukunaga, developed the project in-house and is producing. Anonymous’ Richard Brown, Steve Golin and Bard Dorros are executive producing with Pizzolatto and Fukunaga.

This is the first TV collaboration for best friends McConaughey and Harrelson who have done two features together, Edtv and Surfer, Dude. For McConaughey, this marks the first regular TV series gig, for Harrelson, it marks a return to the medium where he became a household name as one of the stars of Cheers. Both McConaughey and Harrelson appeared on HBO programs recently - McConaughey guest starred on comedy Eastbound & Down, Harrelson starred in the movie Game Change. RWSG Agency-repped Pizzolatto, an award-winning novelist and short-story writer, recently worked on AMC’s The Killing.