April 11, 2012 - 14:17 AMT
Heritage may review its participation in anti-forgery headquarters

Representative of opposition Heritage Ruben Hakobyan said their party will discuss its participation in the inter-party headquarters established to counter election forgery, if their conditions are met.

Hakobyan came up with two proposals at headquarters’ meeting today: first, to establish a commission to monitor bribes disseminated under a charity action cover, and second, signing of the agreement on headquarters establishment by top three members of each political force running for the parliament.

Hakobyan’s suggestions, particularly the second one sparked heated debates between Hakobyan and ANC coordinator Levon Zurabyan, Prosperous Armenia member Vartan Oskanian, and head of Political Analysts Union Hmayak Hovhannisyan.

Armen Rustamyan, representative of ARF Dashnaktsutyun and Zurabyan said they can do this, if required, but do not deem it necessary.

Hakobyan left the meeting by wishing successful work to others; Heritage will discuss its further activities with the headquarters if the proposals are approved, he added. In case all proposals are passed, Heritage will continue its full-fledged participation in the work of the headquarters.

After this, the proposal to set up the commission was approved, with some reservations by Oskanian, though.

Dashnaktsutyun's proposal on the format and structure of the headquarters work was also passed, again with minor reservations offered by Oskanian.

Deputy chairman of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Galust Sahakyan refused on April 4 to sign the declaration to establish an inter-party headquarters to counter election forgery.