April 12, 2012 - 12:26 AMT
Yerevan to welcome UEFA president in October

President of the Football Federation of Armenia (FFA) Ruben Hayrapetyan told a press conference on April 12 that UEFA president Michel Platini will arrive in Yerevan in October.

“Platini will participate in a conference in Yerevan bringing together chairmen of 13-14 national federations,” Hayrapetyan said.

He also commented on the offer to organize an unofficial match between Armenian and Lebanese national teams. FFA head said the meeting will not take place because Armenian squad will be holding a match with Kazakhstan’s team then. The meeting is due to take place in June.

“I’d love to see our team play with Lebanon. This country has a large Armenian community, and we constantly receive letters from them, but our team has a loaded schedule,” he stated.

Ruben Hayrapetyan is running for the parliamentary elections by the majority list of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia in 1st constituency in Yerevan; he has pledged to propose a law on sports in case he gains victory.