April 12, 2012 - 20:42 AMT
Swedish women ranked 1st in World Beauty List

Influential Hong Kong-based online magazine Traveler’s Digest has ranked Russian females fourth in a global beauty rating, which strongly contradicts the popular saying that “Russian women are the most beautiful in the world,” RIA Novosti reported.

Girls from Sweden grabbed first place in the rating, which the author confirmed is “chauvinistic and sexist.” “Sweden is still firmly in first place on this list. The first time you visit Sweden is an unreal experience as you realize that everything you have ever heard is, in fact, true! The women are tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed goddesses whom are friendly and educated to boot,” the magazine said.

The runner-up is Argentina. “Maybe it's the high-fashion or the romantic culture, or maybe it's just because the women are tall, striking beauties, but there's truly something special about them,” Traveler’s Digest explained.

Ukraine is in third place. In a similar rating, the magazine called Ukraine’s capital Kiev the city with the most beautiful women in the world, but also called on lovers of “scantily-clad women” to check out Ukraine’s Black Sea coast and especially Odessa.

“Mother Russia makes an appearance at number four on this list, but when we're talking about women this beautiful, there's really only a slight difference between number four and number one. For 4,000 miles all the way from Moscow to Siberia the women in Russia are drop-dead gorgeous,” the magazine said.

Last in the top-five were the gorgeous women from Bulgaria.