April 14, 2012 - 12:41 AMT
Democratic Party member says their campaign had good start

The election campaign of the Democratic Party of Armenia has marked a successful start, party’s representative Aram Gyurjyan said.

“We have already met with citizens and held large-scale discussions with them,” he told journalists on April 14.

According to Gyurjyan, Armenian voters are able to listen, understand, and analyze, and they are ready for changes today. He also said that his party engages in active online discussions with people.

“We run an active Facebook page where we have heated discussions with citizens and reply to their questions. It is not a propaganda platform, but rather one for debates and discussion,” Democratic Party’s member stated.

In addition, Gyurjyan mentioned positive trends towards unbiased coverage of 2012 campaign, despite the fact that this is not common for Armenian media outlets.