April 19, 2012 - 22:58 AMT
Google launches Inbox analyzing program

The search engine giant Google has launched a new stats program called Google Meter that allows Gmail users to learn more about their inbox, from whether they’re more likely to write long emails to information on how long it takes to typically reply.

According to Mashable, called Gmail Meter, the program analyzes email patterns to give a better sense of overall inbox activity. Gmail Meter runs on the first day of every month and sends users an email containing different statistics about Inbox.

For example, Gmail Meter provides stats about the number of important and starred messages in the inbox, as well as how often the user emails with others. Additional features include a tool that reveals stats on how the user manages the inbox and how long it takes to reply.

It also tracks whether the user is prone to writing short or long emails, and averages what usual word count might be.