April 23, 2012 - 19:08 AMT
Armenia names squad for second European wrestling qualifier

In conversation with PanARMENIAN.Net, Vice President of Armenian Wrestling Federation named the squad for European qualifying tournament for the Summer Olympic Games in Taiyuan, China.

According to Hrant Yenokyan, freestyle wresters Artur Baghdasaryan (60 kg), Musa Murtazaliev (74 kg), Edgar Yenokyan (96kg) and Ruslan Basiyev (120kg) will represent Armenia at the tournament.

“Chief Coach of the team Araik Bagdadyan together with Edgar and Ruslan will depart form Sofia to China, and I will leave Yerevan with Artur and Musa tomorrow,” Mr. Yenokyan said.

The tournament is due April 27-29, with the final tournament scheduled for May 4-6 in Helsinki.

Freestyle wrestlers Mihran Jaburyan (55 kg), David Safaryan (66 kg) and Hajimurat Nurmagomedov (84 kg) have already gained an entry to Summer Olympic Games.