May 7, 2012 - 03:06 AMT
CEC: votes counted at 301 polls, RPA leads

Central Electoral Commission of Armenia (CEC) has provided updated data. According to the information received following the processing of ballots at 134 polling stations, the votes divided the following way.

Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) – 53 797 votes (52,66 %)

Prosperous Armenia Party – 30 465 votes (29,82 %)

Heritage party - 2 992 votes (2,93 %)

Armenian National Congress (ANC) bloc – 3 584 votes (3,51 %)

ARF Dashnaktsutyun – 5 425 votes (5,31 %)

Orinats Yerkir – 4 744votes (4,64 %)

Democratic Party of Armenia (DPA) – 238 votes (0,23 %)

Communist Party of Armenia – 728 votes (0,71 %)

United Armenians party – 180 votes (0,18 %)