May 21, 2012 - 12:04 AMT
Gelfand beats Anand in chess title series

Indian master Viswanathan Anand's world chess crown shook on Sunday, May 20 when his Israeli challenger won the first game of their 12-match Moscow series after six successive and mostly uneventful draws, according to AFP.

The tortuous four-hour battle marked the Indian master's first defeat to Gelfand in a classical chess match since 1993 and put under threat a title he first won in 2000 and has held for the past five successive years.

"I started to drift a little bit at the opening," the 42-year-old admitted in the post-match press conference.

But he dismissed suggestions that he should have won or assumed a more aggressive strategy in opening matches during which his challenger at times appeared psychologically overwhelmed.

"I play one game at a time," Anand said.

The 43-year-old Gelfand now leads the series 4-3 under a scoring system that awards the winner one point and the loser none. Draws see players share a half point each.

The World Chess Championship is being contested in Moscow, seen by many as last century's capital of chess for the first time since an epic 1984-85 clash between Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov was aborted and later replayed.