May 21, 2012 - 19:20 AMT
Gaddafi ex-spy chief faces charges in Mauritania

Former Libyan intelligence chief Abdallah al-Senussi has been charged in Mauritania with illegally entering the country, officials say, according to BBC News.

Mr Senussi, who fled Libya after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi, was held at Nouakchott airport after flying in from Morocco in March.

Both Libya and the International Criminal Court want him extradited to face trial for crimes against humanity.

Mauritanian officials say he faces trial for using false travel documents.

A judicial source told the AFP news agency he had been placed in a specially prepared prison cell ahead of his trial.

In March, Libya's Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur said Mauritania had agreed to extradite Mr Senussi, but there was no confirmation from the Mauritanian authorities.

He is also wanted on an ICC arrest warrant in connection with the violent suppression of protests during last year's Libyan uprising that toppled the late Col Gaddafi.