May 23, 2012 - 20:15 AMT
Expert deems Armenian President’s missing NATO summit logical

A senior fellow at the Institute of Political and Social Studies of the Black Sea and Caspian region deemed Armenian President’s refusal to participate in NATO summit in Chicago quite logical.

“Chicago meeting agenda is correlated with Armenian national interests. Thus, some online publications in vain allude to the link between Serzh Sargsyan’s refusal to visit Chicago, his departure for Moscow and Russian leader Putin’s missing the summit,” Andrei Areshev told PanARMENIAN.Net.

According to him, Armenia is guided by own national interests, while issues on Chicago meeting agenda demand more careful preparation.

“The West builds its geopolitical combinations in the Caucasus and the Middle East through use of local resources, which don’t meet the national interests of the micro region states. Hence, non-participation of Armenian and Russian leaders in the meeting is balanced and reasonable,” the expert said.