May 28, 2012 - 16:48 AMT
RPA member deems idea of unity key lesson from Sardarapat Battle

Sardarapat Battle proved the need of unity of the Armenian people, MP from the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) said.

“The idea of unity is the most important lesson to derive,” Karen Avagyan said.

“The Third Republic proved Armenians’ ability to solve all the problems when united,” he said during a visit to Sardarapat Memorial complex.

The Battle of Sardarapat that took place from May 21–29, 1918. Sardarapat was only 40 kilometers west of the city of Yerevan and the battle is seen as not only stopping the Ottoman advance into the rest of Armenia but also preventing the complete destruction of the Armenian nation.

The Democratic Republic of Armenia, also known as the First Republic of Armenia, was proclaimed on May 28, 1918, after the dissolution of the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. Its army continued to fight on the Allied side south of the Caucasus until the Ottoman Empire surrendered in October 1918. The independent republic endured from May 1918 to December 1920.