June 1, 2012 - 12:41 AMT
Israeli, Palestinian killed during exchange of fire at Gaza border

An Israeli soldier and a Palestinian have been killed during an exchange of fire along the Gaza border, BBC News reported.

The Israeli army said that the Palestinian cut through the border fence and opened fire on Israeli troops, who then shot back.

The incident comes after several months of relative calm along the Gaza border. There are reports that there was heavy mist in the area making it easier to approach the fence undetected.

According to Israeli media, the incident took place near the Kissufim crossing. It is not known if the Palestinian was a member of a militant group.

Residents of southern Israel, quoted by the Associated Press, said they heard gunfire in the early morning and heard Israeli helicopters circling in the air. They also said tank shells were fired into Gaza that set fire to fields.

The Israeli military maintains an exclusion zone on the Gaza side of the boundary between Gaza and Israel, and troops regularly carry out military activity in the area and fire on Palestinians who approach the fence.