June 1, 2012 - 15:55 AMT
NKR leader congratulates RA NA speaker Hovik Abrahamyan on new post

On May 31, President of the Artsakh Republic Bako Sahakyan sent a letter to Hovik Abrahamyan, congratulating him on being elected parliament speaker.

The letter runs as follows:

“Respected Mr. Abrahamyan,

Accept my warm congratulations on being elected Armenian National Assembly speaker.

I am confident that Your knowledge, rich and long-term experience will continue serving to the continuous improvement of the legislative field, strengthening of the Armenian statehood, contributing to the patriotic mission of making Armenia and Artsakh more developed and prosperous.

I heartily wish You robust health, happiness and great success in the responsible position of Armenian National Assembly speaker,” the central information department of Artsakh President Office reported.