June 1, 2012 - 16:38 AMT
Armenia must demand Clinton specify U.S. stance on Karabakh settlement

Armenia must demand U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton specify the U.S. position on Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement during her visit to Yerevan, Armenian Cause Office director said.

Commenting on the declaration adopted at NATO summit in Chicago, Kiro Manoyan said, “We must clarify if the U.S. sees Karabakh resolution based on the principle of self-determination of nations or in the context of territorial integrity as conveyed in the resolution adopted at NATO summit,” he said,

Mr. Manoyan stressed the need for the U.S. to uphold commitment to its statement issued in OSCE Minsk Group format.

The final declaration of the NATO summit comprised statements on settlement of conflicts in the South Caucasus and Moldova, which ran counter to the decisions on Karabakh resolution taken in the framework of OSCE Minsk Group.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan refused to participate in the meeting due to disagreement to the draft declaration.

Hillary Clinton will visit Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan on June 4-7 to discuss regional security, democracy, economic development and counterterrorism.

In Armenia on June 4, the Secretary will meet with President Sargsyan and other senior Armenian officials. She will also meet with Armenian civil society leaders.