June 1, 2012 - 17:43 AMT
Azerbaijan must face new reality in Karabakh conflict

ARF Dashnaktsutyun stands against Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement based on the principles stipulating return of liberated territories, Armenian Cause Office director said.

In this context Kiro Manoyan said that the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs’ statements envisage return of those territories to Azerbaijan.

“The developments since 1988 contributed to the emergence of a new reality which can’t be ignored. The new reality says there are territories under the control of the Karabakh side,” Mr. Manoyan said.

He further stressed the need for Armenia to explain to the international community and Baku itself that Karabakh settlement in the framework of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity is impossible. In this context, Mr. Manoyan cited Heydar Aliyev’s words, which voiced skepticism over Azerbaijan’s ability to force Artsakh into living under the rule of Azerbaijan.