June 4, 2012 - 11:42 AMT
FARE finalizing plans for EURO 2012

UEFA and its partner FARE are finalizing plans for activities at the UEFA EURO 2012 final round in Poland and Ukraine – a campaign aiming to celebrate diversity.

With the countdown continuing towards UEFA EURO 2012, UEFA's partner in the campaign against racism, the FARE network, is making final preparations in conjunction with European football's governing body for its activities at the tournament.

FARE has been working with UEFA on the 'Respect Diversity – Football Unites' program that will include monitoring at matches, anti-discrimination messages at every game, a joint protocol on the reporting of incidents, a commitment to take disciplinary sanctions, and a campaign focus at the semi-finals that will include diversity messages from team captains.

Respect is UEFA's social responsibility program, launched in 2008, which aims to support local communities, tackle social issues and work towards unity across gender, race, religion and ability. The Respect project at UEFA EURO 2012 between 8 June and 1 July highlights UEFA's commitment to combat racism (Respect Diversity), increase access for fans with disabilities (Respect Inclusion), promote health through physical activity (Respect Your Health) and foster intercultural dialogue between fans and the host cities (Respect Fan Culture).

The FARE activities in Poland and Ukraine are the culmination of a three-year program to develop a hub in the region with a focus on education and engagement. A key element of the FARE activities at UEFA EURO 2012 includes 30 international monitors at least two at each of the 31 games, according to UEFA official website.