June 16, 2012 - 12:17 AMT
Kinect adverts to debut on Xbox in fall

Owners of Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect devices will soon start seeing adverts making use of the motion technology.

The technology giant has announced that adverts, which allow the viewer to interact and control the experience using their bodies and voices, will make their debut this fall in the U.S., according to The Telegraph.

The Kinect accessory contains a camera which ‘reads’ a user’s movements and inserts them into a video game and soon an advert. “You are the controller” is the accessory’s slogan, and, in short, the device allows people to take up bowling, tennis and much more, simply by standing in front of their TV screens.

It is unclear as to when the adverts will begin airing via Xbox Live, Microsoft’s entertainment hub, in the UK.

Toyota, Unilever and Samsung, are three of the initial companies taking advantage of the technology.

Microsoft has dubbed the adverts ‘NUads’, claiming they will “reinvent television advertising.

Viewers of the Kinect-enabled adverts will be able to choose what part of the advert they want to see using the motion or voice control. And the brand in question will be able to collect data about the viewer based on the choices individuals have made.

Microsoft released a sneak peak of the first NUads via YouTube earlier this week. In the first 60 days of the Kinect accessory going on sale, Microsoft sold eight million units.