June 19, 2012 - 20:48 AMT
French Queen Catherine de Medici’s 16th century pin found in toilet

A hairpin belonging to 16th century French Queen Catherine de Medici has been discovered at a royal residence outside Paris. And what's left conservators scratching their heads is where it was found: a communal toilet, AP reported.

Officials said it's the first time in living history that a possession of the Renaissance royal has been found at Fontainebleau Palace.

The 3.5 inch pin was identified because it bore the initial "C'' and the white and green finish known to be Catherine's colors.

The rare artifact was found in a toilet waste receptacle as the latrine was being prepared for restoration.

Conservator Vincent Droguet said the pin's location in a communal toilet — as opposed to a private one — was a "mystery."

He added, "Perhaps it was stolen, and just fell in."