June 20, 2012 - 18:31 AMT
Dick Advocaat announced highest paid coach of Euro 2012

The team, to have dropped out of Euro 2012 first, has the highest-paid coach among Euro-2012 teams.

Coach of the Russian national team, the Dutchman Dick Advocaat gets seven million euros per year. His salary is 15 times higher than salary of the Greece coach Fernando Santos, whose team beat the Russians in the decisive game for the quarter-finals, and 35 times more than the salary of Czech coach Michal Bilek, whose team has taken the first place in the group A, information center "Ukraine-2012" reports.

The Italian coach Cesare Prandelli gets 3 million euros and takes the second place. The coach of Croatia team has the lowest salary among coaches of European national teams with his 160,000 euros, while Ukrainian Oleg Blokhin takes the 11th place in the rating, en.for-ua.com reported.