June 22, 2012 - 19:21 AMT
Expert: Azerbaijan’s indigenous peoples don’t deem Armenians enemy

Political analyst Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan said Azeris total 93% of Azerbaijani population, with killed soldiers mainly being representatives of ethnic groups, such as Lezgians and Avars.

He cited statistical data, saying that 49 out of 97 servicemen killed in 2010 were representatives of ethnic minorities.

“They comprised 36% in 2011, currently already exceeding 50%,” the expert said.

In this context, Mr. Melik-Shahnazaryan said that Azerbaijani authorities send representatives of ethic groups to undergo military service in borderline provinces, whilst sending Azeris to ethnic minorities’ places of residence to keep them under constant control.

“This may escalate into a conflict, having grave consequences for the ethnic minorities,” the expert said, citing a publication by Azerbaijani ethnic ministries, which says they don’t perceive Armenians as enemies and are reluctant to undergo service in border with the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.