June 22, 2012 - 17:06 AMT
Cosmonauts to install additional anti-meteorite panels on ISS

Russian cosmonauts will conduct a space walk in August during which they will install additional anti-meteorite panels on the International Space Station (ISS), cosmonaut Yury Malanchenko said on Friday, June 22.

Malanchenko, his U.S. and Japanese colleagues, Sunita Williams and Hoshide Akihiko, are scheduled to depart for a space mission on July 15.

“We will have a space walk in August, which I will conduct together with [Russian cosmonaut] Gennady Padalka,” Malanchenko told journalists in Star City near Moscow, where Russian cosmonauts live and train.

“We will have to move a cargo platform so as to use it more conveniently in the future. We will also install meteorite protection panels [on the ISS],” he said, adding that the space walk will last six hours.

The panels are designed to protect the space station from small objects, including space debris, RIA Novosti reported.