July 10, 2012 - 21:03 AMT
Dropbox Pro users to get their storage doubled

Despite its ubiquity, one of the biggest complaints about Dropbox is its sizes and pricing. That's changing July 10, as Pro users will get their storage doubled, The Verge reports.

Dropbox Pro now offers 100GB and 200GB plans for the price of the previous 50GB and 100GB ones, meaning they'll cost either $99 or $199 a year.

A new 500GB plan will also be rolling out when all the prices are updated tonight, and current Pro users will see their space bumped up automatically. Currently, the largest Pro subscription is 100GB plus the baseline 2GB, with options of 1TB or more available for "teams" only.

This move still doesn't quite put Dropbox on par with competitor Google Drive pricing-wise, but it goes a long way towards assuaging some of the sting for its faithful subscribers, the report says.