July 10, 2012 - 21:09 AMT
RIM investing $100mln to grow BlackBerry developer community

Research in Motion (RIM) is investing $100 million investment to grow the developer community for the BlackBerry platform, TechCrunch reports citing e27, a blog covering the Asia tech scene.

To rebuild and grow its community, RIM will run several developer programs to attract developers to the Blackberry platform. E27 cites one example of how this might work. A developer would receive $10,000 to develop a paid app with the condition that it makes at least $1,000 in the first year.

RIM is also starting to hand out the BlackBerry 10 Alpha to developers for a head start in developing apps. The device is a prototype device used in-house by RIM engineers. RIm plans to give out 12,000 BlackBerry 10 Alpha devices.

RIM will also expand its developer team from 40 people to 130 by the end of the quarter. It is also reviving its BlackBerry certified developer program “to ensure that developers are equipped with the skills and information needed to develop for the BlackBerry platform.”