July 25, 2012 - 18:29 AMT
NKR official: Azeri people drawn to idea of free Artsakh

Baku administration didn’t dare send observers to monitor presidential elections in Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) Republic, adviser to NKR Foreign Minister said.

“Democratic elections and developed political system in NKR both morally and politically affect Azerbaijani people, who are forced to tolerate hereditary transfer of power. Azeri aggressive position is explained by Azerbaijani people’s regard and envy of Artsakh’s model of a free, successful and independent state.

International observers from 22 countries monitored NKR polls, all of them characterizing the elections as legitimate, transparent, free, democratic and fully in line with the republic’s election law and international electoral standards.

The international observers with regret received the non-constructive statements by representatives of several international organizations.

Speculations as to NKR elections’ possible hindering the Armenian-Azeri conflict settlement run counter to the international law and spark bewilderment.

Under №3 article of Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, “the state’s political existence doesn’t depend on being recognized by other countries. Even before recognition, the state has the right to protect its integrity and independence, ensure self-preservation and prosperity, and consequently pass laws in its interests and determine the jurisdiction and competence of the courts. Implementation of rights has no restrictions and differences from the fulfillment of rights by other states in line with the international law,” Ruben Zargaryan said in interview with Analitika.at.ua.