July 30, 2012 - 20:08 AMT
European Youth Parliament launches operation in Armenia

The European Youth Parliament (EYP) has launched operation in Armenia. Long-term negotiations with EYP resulted in opening of a representation in Armenia.

On July 29, EYP board confirmed the status of the representation in Armenia, enabling it to get involved in the parliament’s international meetings. EYP council member Alan Flowers will arrive in Armenia on August 2 to discuss the further action plan.

The EYP represents a non-partisan and independent educational project which is tailored specifically to the needs of the young European citizen.

The EYP encourages independent thinking and socio-political initiative in young people and facilitates the learning of crucial social and professional skills. Since its inauguration, many tens of thousands of young people have taken part in regional, national and international sessions, formed friendships and made international contacts across and beyond borders.