August 15, 2012 - 18:44 AMT
Robert Pattinson cast as Lawrence Of Arabia

Robert Pattinson, 26, is to star as Lawrence Of Arabia 50 years after the original film was released.

The Twilight star will play British army officer TE Lawrence in Werner Herzog's movie, Queen Of The Desert.

King Kong actress Naomi Watts will play Gertrude Bell in the film, which will focus on the English writer's life.

Peter O'Toole, who is now 80, played Lawrence in David Lean's 1962 film Lawrence Of Arabia.

Bell, one of the first female graduates from Oxford University, travelled through the Middle East working as an archaeologist, explorer, cartographer and political officer for the British Empire.

She set up the borders of Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Lawrence and Bell were good friends and helped establish the Hashemite dynasties in Jordan and Iraq together.

Sixty-nine-year-old German director Werner Herzog is reportedly hoping to begin filming the project in the autumn, BBC News reported.