August 18, 2012 - 13:04 AMT
ANCA calls on Romney to share his vision on Armenian American issues

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) today, August 18 continued its outreach to the Romney-Ryan presidential campaign by calling upon Governor Romney to spell out his views on Armenian American issues and to meet personally with the broad-based leadership of the Armenian American community.

Earlier this week, the ANCA issued a similar call to President Obama to meet with community leaders and personally explain his Administration's policies on issues of special concern to Armenian American voters. As governor of Massachusetts, from 2003 to 2007, Romney represented one of the nation's largest and most vibrant Armenian communities.

“Dear Governor Romney,

I am writing to ask you to publicly outline the policies and priorities that you would pursue as President on issues of special concern to voters of Armenian heritage and other friends of Armenia from across the United States, and also to invite you to hold a meeting with the broad-based leadership of our community to discuss Armenian American participation in this year's elections.

A personal meeting, with a representative group of national community leaders, would offer you the opportunity to share your vision, explain your record, clarify your priorities, and explore, with us, ways in which we can work together in the months and years to come. By outlining your views, in the attached questionnaire, you can help empower Armenian Americans to go to the polls this November fully informed about your stated stands on specific issues that hold great meaning to their families and communities.

Please accept our thanks for your consideration of our request that you meet with our community leadership and publicly outline your views on Armenian American issues,” ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian’s letter addressed to Governor Romney reads.