September 14, 2012 - 13:29 AMT
Pope Benedict to visit Armenian Catholic Convent in Lebanon

Pope Benedict XVIarrives in Lebanon on Friday, Sept 14, to bring a message of peace to a region torn by civil war in neighboring Syria and strained by violent Islamist protests against the United States in Libya and Egypt

While those tensions overshadowed preparations for the religiously sensitive visit, security was low-key in Beirut and the only protests - against a film denigrating the Muslim Prophet Mohammad - were due to take place far from the capital.

Even the militant Shi'ite movement Hezbollah has hung banners along the airport highway greeting Benedict with a picture of him and texts in Arabic and French saying: "Hezbollah welcomes the pope in the homeland of coexistence".

"The pope is with us," was the headline in Al-Nahar newspaper, which said more than 5,000 military and security personnel were being deployed to protect the pontiff. Beirut airport was due to close to all air traffic for two hours shortly before his arrival.

Benedict, on his fourth trip to the Middle East as pope, will stress unity among the different Christian churches in the region and peace between Christians and Muslims during the visit, which will be restricted to Beirut and its surroundings, Reuters reported.

He is also expected to visit the Armenian Catholic Convent in Bzoummar, where a monument to Hakop Meghapart inaugurated to mark the 500th anniversary of Armenian book printing will be consecrated.