March 11, 2005 - 10:30 AMT
The European Union is not a rival to the OSCE Minsk Group, Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian said when commenting of the statement by First Counselor of the Delegation of the European Commission for Georgia and Armenia Jacques Vantomme, who said that with the joining of the South Caucasian states to the EU: Wider Europe, New Neighbors program the EU will assume the responsibility for the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. According to Vardan Oskanian, many international organizations including those on which Armenia and Azerbaijan serve are manifesting interest in the conflict resolution. However the settlement of the Karabakh problem should be achieved within the frames of the OSCE Minsk Group while the others should watch the process being ready to render assistance, the RA FM added. At the same time Vardan Oskanian found it natural that the EU report on Armenia contains the phrase "occupied territories", as this wording has been already used in the documents prepared by other international organizations. "However it does not mean that we agree with such a wording", Mr. Oskanian stressed. Besides, in the Minister's words, one should not conclude that "Armenia is an aggressor". In his opinion, the EU report on Armenia is representing Armenia-EU relations. "With a thorough examination the report prompts the directions of cooperation. It also records of the fields where Armenia has fallen behind. Thus, it would be correct to make them priority issues", Vardan Oskanian noted adding that either he or his deputy are to pay a call to Brussels.