March 24, 2005 - 08:17 AMT
Member of the delegation of Azerbaijan to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, political scientist Aidyn Mirzazade has expressed opinion that on the whole the OSCE fact finding mission report on settlement of the territories adjacent to Nagorno Karabakh is advantageous to Azerbaijan, as the issue was raised by the Azeri party, which possesses many facts of locating population in Karabakh. Mirzazade emphasized that the settlement of population in those territories «runs counter to international conventions, noting that first of all it is necessary for provide for normal living conditions in these territories, and the Armenian party has not done it - on the contrary, it banished the local population, depriving it of its property.» «Armenia has been trying to fail the mission work. However, the mission virtually confirmed the facts provided by our Government over settlement of people, who are not citizens of Azerbaijan. Each time during the mission work Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh put forward new conditions. First they said that there are no such cases, then - that the work will be continued. This showed that the Azeri party was right when making statements,» he noted. The political scientist considered the mission arriving at a conclusion that the settlement of population is not being carried out by Armenia as a political statement. In his opinion, «being far from the reality, this thesis is aimed at keeping Armenia in a relatively favorable condition. Mirzazade said, «factual proof of Armenia's direct participation in the process will be presented along with the demand of their being studied at the following stages.» In his words, «other thesis in the mission report, which do not reflect the reality, in fact cleared up many issues.» «Firstly, it became visible that Armenians residing outside Armenia are not inclined to living either in this country or in the occupied Nagorno Karabakh. One million people are ousted from the occupied lands, hence the same number should be settled to arrange normal economy. The fact finding mission stated that some 3 thousand people are settled, thus a notable human deficit is present. The Armenian Diaspora is not interested in settling these lands either. The reasons for Armenia, pursuing a predatory policy remain unknown, taking into account its population leaving abroad and it cannot benefit from the occupied lands,» Mirzazade stated.