October 13, 2012 - 14:33 AMT
Report: Apple removes unofficial Google Maps iOS app

It seems that Apple doesn't want anything to do with Google Maps, tomsguide.com reports.

Following Apple CEO Tim Cook apologizing to iDevice owners regarding their maps app, the firm recommended other alternatives in a specific section on their App Store such as Bing. However, it seems that Apple does not want to associate its devices with Google Maps at all following its removal via iOS 6's release; days after its release, an application based off Google's service has been removed from the App Store, the report says.

Katsumi Kishikawa, who has released two other applications on sale on the App Store, recently launched ClassicMap. The free application was launched early this week and delivered the same look and feel of the old version that utilized Google Maps data.

While Kishikawa didn't elaborate on the reasons behind the removal of the application, but only stated it was "Apple's decision".

The app itself featured a component that, when folded up, would reveal extra options such as a toggle to switch between Apple's maps data and Google's. However, Google's Street View isn't present, the report says.