October 17, 2012 - 18:51 AMT
Warner Bros to adapt “Cool, Sweet, Hot, Love” book into movie

Warner Bros has closed a pre-emptive screen rights deal for Cool, Sweet, Hot, Love, a book by Erin McCahan that was just acquired to be published by the Dutton imprint Dial Books in fall 2014, Deadline said.

The title is a clever misnomer, and no, Warner Bros hasn’t joined the parade looking for the next Fifty Shades Of Grey in this case.

It’s a young-adult novel about a female teenage genius, a lover of linguistics, and the title reflects her desire to see what those words mean to the various groups she comes in contact with, from adults to her peers.

The deal was brokered by RWSG’s Liza Wachter, who worked with lit agent Faye Bender. The studio got a peek at the book when it was submitted two weeks ago to publishers, and Warner Bros moved quickly. McCahan wrote I Now Pronounce You Someone Else, and the feeling is the new one will be her breakout book.