October 19, 2012 - 15:47 AMT
Expert: Russia’s S-400 missiles deployment in Armenia logical

A military expert did not rule out the possibility for deployment of Russia’s S-400 missiles in Armenia.

“Deployment of Russia’s S-400 anti-aircraft missiles in Armenia seems quite logical, considering current developments in Iran, as well as military partnership between Yerevan and Moscow,” David Jamalyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

“Armenia will only benefit from the move, gaining more protection. Deployment of S-400 targeting Turkey will serve a restraining factor in both Armenian-Azerbaijani and Armenian-Turkish relations,” Jamalyan concluded.

As Press TV reported citing the Turkish daily Hurriyet, Russia is installing an advanced anti-aircraft missile system in its southern military region in reaction to Turkey’s deployment of a NATO missile system.

Considering the lack of Russia’s land frontier with Turkey, it cannot be ruled out that the missiles will be deployed in the territory of Armenia, where Russia’s 102nd military base is stationed.