October 23, 2012 - 16:25 AMT
Expert predicts Turkey’s possible attack on Syria

Turkey’s political programs became locked in a stalemate over inability to topple Syria’s Assad, leaving Ankara with 2 options: to either cancel its plans or resort to military intervention, Director of RA NAS Institute of Oriental Studies said.

“Turkey will pick the 2nd option, however, first attempting to persuade people of the threat emanating from Syria. Once the hostilities are launched, Turkey will try to enter Syria and create a buffer zone,” Ruben Safrastyan said.

The expert further expressed concern over Turkey’s actions, with Aleppo, which is home to a large Armenian community, located at a distance of 60km from the border.

The expert characterized the situation in Syria as stable with a balance between government troops and rebel forces established. “Current state may drag on for some 2 years, seeing as Assad is still favored by Syrian elite, the majority of population and even Sunnis,” Safrastyan concluded.