April 22, 2005 - 12:40 AMT
The Presidium of the Conference of the European Churches(CEC) issued a statement on the occasion of the 90-th anniversary of the Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey. The document says in part, "on April 24 the Armenian people will commemorate the 90-th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. Head of the Federation of Protestant Church of France Jean-Arnold de Clermont will represent the Conference of the European Churches at the events." The statement also records that during the meeting with Catholicos of All Armenians and Catholicos of the Great Kilikian House Aram I in Sweden the CEC noted that the tragedy of the Armenian people will never be forgotten. The Presidium called upon Turkey to initiate the process of reconciliation between the Turkish and Armenian people. In this view the CEC Presidium welcomed the Turkish Prime Minister's statement on opening the Turkish archives. "It is important for Armenian and Turkish investigators to have full access to these documents", the CEC statement says. When touching upon Turkey's bid for the EU the CEC Presidium noted that the attitude of the Turkish authorities towards the Armenian people and the Christian minority as well as other national minorities will be of utmost importance in the negotiation process.