October 30, 2012 - 13:28 AMT
Armenian jewelers pin no hopes on European market

Armenian Jewelers Association (AJA) doesn’t focus on the European market at present, AJA president said.

“Armenian jewelers are successful in China, Hong Kong and the U.S. With the European market plunged into crisis, we pin no great hopes on it,” Gagik Gevorkian said during October 30 Yerevan-hosted jewelry conference.

Meanwhile, AJA head said many Arab jewelers’ readiness to work in Armenia given the unstable situation in their countries.

In conversation with a PanARMENIANNet reporter, Mr. Gevorkian noted that jewelers are forced to name a cheaper price due to the gold price upsurge in the world market.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan attended Yerevan-hosted jewellery exhibition October 29. At the event, organized by the Armenian Jewellers Association (AJA), President Sargsyan spoke of a possibility to continue activities in free economic zones being created in the country.

The exhibit to last through October 31 was dated to 15th anniversary of AJA formation. As Mr. Gevorkian told journalists, Armenia will for the first time be celebrating the National Jeweler’s Day this year.

The exhibit features works of U.S., Russian, Thai, Lebanese, Indian, Turkish, Chinese, Australian jewellery masters, with the World Jewellery Confederation President Gaetano Cavalieri to attend the event.