October 30, 2012 - 17:06 AMT
Tax income provided 100% budget implementation - Chief Treasurer

Armenia’s state budget income for January-September 2012 totaled AMD 664,4 billion to provide 101-percentile implementation of a governmental program, Deputy Finance Minister stated.

As Chief Treasurer Atom Janjughazyan stated at an October 30 briefing, over the reporting period, the budget expenditures amounted to AMD 660,2 billion (92% program implementation.)

According to Janjughazyan, in January-September 2012, state budget income rose by 7,4% against the same period in 2011, with the growth achieved though tax income increase.

94,2% of state budget income was provided though tax income, state duties and obligatory social payments; 5,1% was procured through other incomes and 0,6% through officials donations.

In January-September, budget deficit comprised AMD 6,2 billion against program-stipulated AMD 57,4 billion. The deficit was financed AMD 20,2 billion from internal sources and AMD 14 billion from external ones.