October 31, 2012 - 19:55 AMT
Data-storage equipment maker EMC opening Labs in Israel

Data-storage equipment maker EMC Corp said it is opening an EMC Labs in Israel aimed at developing innovative technologies for storage, security and big data, according to Reuters.

EMC opened an EMC Labs in China last year.

The company did not provide financial details.

EMC Labs in Israel will primarily be research oriented and will operate without any product, organizational or regional EMC constrictions, EMC said on Wednesday, Oct 31.

Its research activities will focus on next-generation technology that EMC says it must develop to address the challenges and opportunities in the world of information technology.

The first project at EMC Labs in Israel will focus on learning storage behavior in order to foresee the storage needs of various systems and optimize storage performance. It will use machine learning methods and big data analytics and data mining tools.