April 27, 2005 - 11:25 AMT
Turkey's Consul General in Novorossiysk Ahmed Ryza Demirer expressed discontent with the conference on the Armenian Genocide entitled "The Armenian Genocide: Humanitarian Understanding of the tragedy of XX Century" held in the Krasnodar State University on April 23, Yerkramas, the newspaper of Armenians of Russia reported. In an official letter addressed to the Chair of History and Ancient World of the Kuban State University, the Turkish Consul writes, "the statements on the issue do not correspond to historical and scientific reality and are not accepted by our part". According to the source, the Declaration by the Turkish Grand National Assembly, where Turkey's viewpoint on the Armenian Genocide is stated, has been attached to the letter. To note, representatives of cultural and religious associations, teaching staff and students of the scientific and educational institutions and ordinary citizens took part in the conference, which completed with the adoption of a Statement calling the Turkish leadership to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, since it is "an indispensable condition for Turkey's joining the European family."