April 28, 2005 - 14:47 AMT
A mere principle hides behind Turkey's resentment against the Polish parliament, professor, political scientist of the Near-Eastern Polytechnic University of Ankara Ihsan Dagi stated, Gazeta Wyborcza reports. In his words, Turkey considers that the Armenian issue counts 90 years already and not politicians but historians can be interested in it while Armenia is convinced that the Genocide should be admitted as a fact without any discussions. According to Dagi, Turks are ready to acknowledge that Armenians befell a tragedy and exiles and killing really took place. "We are ready to establish a dialogue with the Armenian leadership but not with the Armenian Diaspora, which is engaged in a strict anti-Turkish campaign. The professor in convinced that Turkey will open the borders with Armenia and is even near to beg pardon for the events of 1915 but, however, it will not recognize them as genocide. "Recognition of Genocide is a serious issue, which burdens conscience.