November 9, 2012 - 16:32 AMT
Orinats Yerkir says Prosperous Armenia’s proposal not topical

Prosperous Armenia’s proposal is no more topical, Orinats Yerkir parliamentary group member said.

“Besides, it’s a long process requiring gradual implementation plan,” Hovhannes Margaryan said, commenting on Prosperous Armenia’s statement offering to launch political consultations.

“Constitutional changes related to the system of government are as a rule fulfilled in phases,” the MP said, adding that presidents usually implement their projects in their second term in office.

“Orinats Yerkir party has received no official invitation from Prosperous Armenia to participate in political consultations. The invitation will be discussed once received,” the MP said.

Prosperous Armenia has came up with a proposal to launch consultations on full shift to proportional voting system and parliamentary system of government, with the Armenian National Congress (ANC) opposition bloc having accepted the offer so far.