May 7, 2005 - 08:45 AMT
May 1 servicemen of the special military detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia beat Georgian MP Hayk Meltonian and over 30 residents of Ghushchi Armenian village, reported A-Info. The special detachment servicemen arrived in the village and started a quarrel with a young resident of the village and, feeling insulted with the response, hit him. This entailed beating the Armenians that have gathered at the scene. At the time Georgian MP Hayk Meltonian was in the village to congratulate the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Getting to know about the incident, he arrived there. Introducing himself as a Parliament Deputy, Meltonian asked the servicemen to stop the fight, however he found himself "in the heat of the moment." The police of Tsalka region instituted no proceedings over the case, however apologies the servicemen apologized to the MP, as well as to Ghushchi residents.