November 13, 2012 - 16:54 AMT
Armenian leader may accept Baku’s challenge - media

Tensions between Yerevan and Baku have risen to their highest in years rendering Nagorno Karabakh conflict far from unfrozen, German media reported.

An article published at Berliner Umschau website referred to Serzh Sargsyan’s interview to The Wall Street Journal, where the Armenian leader accused Baku over readying a new war in Karabakh.

“Recent clashes at Armenian-Azerbaijani border as well as along the contact line in Nagorno Karabakh left many dead on both sides. NATO and the U.S. have repeatedly expressed concern over the situation,” the article said.

“Many in Azerbaijan support a military solution to the conflict. So far, hostilities have been restricted to exchange of fire at frontline. However, Sargsyan expressed apprehension that a possibility of an attack on Iran may destabilize the region,” the website said.

According to the article, tensions between Baku and Yerevan may soar in February, should Sargsyan accept Azerbaijan’s challenge.

“Sargsyan will be running for reelection in February 2013. It’s possible for the President to accept Azeri challenge, once he secures Armenian Diaspora’s support,” the website said.