November 13, 2012 - 16:24 AMT
Armenian parliament approves minimal salary increase by $6

Armenian parliament approved the bill on minimal salary Tuesday, Nov 13, with 73 votes for, 9 against and 17 abstentions.

The draft law envisages salary increase by AMD 2500 (about USD 6) from AMD 32,5 000 (about USD 80) to AMD 35 000 (about USD 86).

Prosperous Armenia and opposition parties voted against the bill.

On Sept 20, the government of Armenia turned down the bill on minimal salary, submitted by parliamentarians.

According to Finance Minister Vache Gabrielyan, the bill submitted by some members of parliament, including former PM Hrant Bagratyan, envisaged doubling of current minimal salary from AMD 32500 to 72500.

As he noted, the project might trigger serious problems in the country’s economic development, becoming a burden for Armenia’s state budget.

“The 100% minimal salary increase will entail expenditures of AMD 360 bn for the state sector, as well as boost the instances of shadow economy in the private sector, unwilling to declare the actual amount of salaries,” the Minister said.

However, as he noted, both 2013-2015 governmental program and 2013 state budget project stipulate for minimal salary increase.